Anxiety: tense, uptight, nervous, fearful or worried. Depression: down, blue, trouble finding anything good in the world, trouble getting up each day?
Bipolar or mood fluctuations, trouble keeping it together, do people tell you there's something wrong with you?
PTSD: Jumpy, ornery, disconnected with your emotions or ready to fight at the drop of a hat? Substances destroying your life, controlling your thoughts, creating legal nightmares for you?
Is your relationship in shambles and you don't know what to do about any of it??
Call now before it gets any worse.
We are dedicated to help those in need in our area. Our team has been involved in our area in multiple ways over the years as contractors to help those individuals involved with DHHS, MI Works, in spiritual need, struggling with maintaining their family, job or sense of self. We have worked as GED instructors, substitute teachers, day care providers, parent aids, job coaches, peer counselors, substance abuse and mental health counselors as well as providing spiritual guidance in multiple capacities.
​AODA Assessments
Family Therapy
​Mental Health Counseling (Outpatient)
​Substance Abuse Counseling
​Pain Management Services
Marriage and Relationship Counseling
​Minor in Possession Class (MIP)
​Alcohol Highway Safety Class
​Intimate partner Intervention Class (DV group)
Thinking Matters (Group)
Driver's License Evaluations